Fox Radosevich
Contribution(This Year)
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Hello, friend!

I’m Fox 1 :fox_face:

I am a theatre worker-turned-student in the United States. My current focus is on network security and database management, but there’s a special place in my heart for code.

I’m participating in the 2020 Hackathon in an efort to get over my shyness and start working with others on projects I believe in.

(Oh, and to get comfortable with git! That’s a big one!)

I have been using HTML and CSS since I was in middle school, and I recently added Javascript into the mix. Other favorite languages to play in are Python and C++, and I hope to add Ruby to that list in the coming months.

(Heck, those look pretty scary, don’t they? :ghost:)

  1. (Or David 6, depending on where you know me from)