Ghanender Chauhan
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Hi there 👋

ghanender-chauhan/ghanender-chauhan is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its (this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

Hii Everyone its Ghanendra Here

I hail from beautifull city Ajmer,Rajasthan..

I am a first year student of NIT Warangal and currently pursuing Post graduation In Engineering Physics.

I always had a interest in coding and technology thats why i took a short course (crash course) of C++ in 2014 when i m in 9th standard but as time passes i forgot all those things.

Now i again started learning python and contributing to open sources, Meanwhile for now I dont have a expereince in big things like project handling

State level Volleyball player

I have a much intrest in DATA SCIENTIST thats why, I m learning ML and AI.

Also doing some questions in jupyter notebook to learn it.

I Started GITHUB in OCT to interact with the tech community.

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Thank you

PS: I’m still trying to get the hang of GITHUB markdown