Alvin Adarsh Kumar
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Well for starters , Hi my name is Alvin I’m a first year student at Bits Pilani, Pilani

My class 12th exams just got over some months ago and i’m finally done with the JEE rat race.

I always had an interest in coding and technology (Basically the RANCHO of my house) 3 idiots reference here I know pyhton , c++,c and a bit of java. i mean most of the programming languages are similar except their syntax.

I dont have many things to brag about# like big projects and all but… *7th AIR in computer science olympiad *state level badminton player *i do have a knack for music ; i play guitar and keyboard

and i’m hoping to add on further i love AI and Machine learning i just started with few simple datasets on kaggle hoping to get better at it

I started GITHUB so that i could better interact with the tech community and most of all LEARN

PS: I’m still trying to get the hang of GITHUB markdown